September 11, 2024


Administrative Review is a process used by the UK Home Office to review certain decisions made in regards to immigration applications:

Administrative Review is a process used by the UK Home Office to review certain decisions made in regards to immigration applications. This process is a means of challenging an unfavorable decision made by the Home Office, such as a refusal of a visa or a deportation order. The Administrative Review process was introduced to provide a way for applicants to request a reconsideration of a decision if they believe that the decision was incorrect or unjust.

The Administrative Review process applies to certain types of immigration applications, such as the Tier 1 Entrepreneur, Tier 1 Investor, and Tier 2 General visas. It also applies to cases where a decision has been made on an application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), or where a person has been served with a deportation order.

In order to request an Administrative Review, an applicant must submit a request within 28 days of the decision being made. The request must include evidence and arguments to support the request for a reconsideration of the decision. It is important to note that the Administrative Review process is not a second chance to submit an application, but rather an opportunity to present new evidence or arguments that were not considered in the original decision.

Once a request for Administrative Review has been submitted, the Home Office will conduct a review of the decision and consider the new evidence and arguments presented. They may choose to overturn the original decision and grant the visa or revoke the deportation order, or they may maintain the original decision.

It is important for applicants to be aware that the Administrative Review process is not guaranteed to result in a successful outcome. However, the process does provide a valuable opportunity for applicants to have their case reviewed by a different decision maker, who may have a different perspective on the case.

In some cases, the Home Office may require additional information or clarification from the applicant before making a decision. In such cases, it is important for the applicant to respond promptly and provide the requested information in a timely manner.

If the original decision is maintained following an Administrative Review, the applicant may choose to challenge the decision through the courts. This process is known as a Judicial Review, and it involves a court hearing to determine whether the Home Office’s decision was lawful.

It is important for applicants to be aware that the Administrative Review process is not a substitute for proper legal representation. An experienced immigration lawyer or consultant can assist in ensuring that the request for Administrative Review is made correctly and that the evidence and arguments presented are strong and persuasive.

In conclusion, the Administrative Review process provides a valuable opportunity for applicants to have their case reviewed by the Home Office if they believe that an unfavorable decision was incorrect or unjust. While the process is not guaranteed to result in a successful outcome, it can provide a second chance for applicants to have their case reconsidered. With the help of an experienced immigration consultant or lawyer, the chances of a successful outcome can be increased.

How To Request A Review:

A step-by-step guide to requesting an Administrative Review in the UK:

  1. Identify eligibility: First, determine if you are eligible to request an Administrative Review. Generally, you can request a review if you have received a negative decision from the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) on your visa application and you believe that there has been an error in the decision-making process.
  2. Gather evidence: Before making the request, gather all relevant evidence to support your case. This could include proof of your relationship with a sponsor, financial evidence, medical reports, and any other relevant documents.
  3. Complete the form: Download the Administrative Review request form from the UKVI website and complete it as accurately and completely as possible.
  4. Submit the form: Submit the form, along with all supporting evidence, to the address specified on the form. Make sure to include a detailed explanation of why you believe that the decision is incorrect and how your evidence supports your case.
  5. Wait for response: After submitting your request, it can take up to 8 weeks for the UKVI to process the request and provide a response. During this time, you can check the status of your request by contacting the UKVI.
  6. Prepare for hearing: If the UKVI determines that your case is eligible for an Administrative Review, you will be notified and may need to attend a hearing. Prepare for the hearing by organizing all of your evidence and practicing your presentation.
  7. Attend the hearing: Attend the hearing and present your case to the panel. Be prepared to answer questions and provide further evidence if necessary.
  8. Wait for decision: After the hearing, the panel will make a decision and notify you of the outcome. If the decision is favorable, your visa application will be reviewed and a new decision will be made. If the decision is unfavorable, you may have the option to appeal the decision to the Immigration and Asylum Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal.

In conclusion, the Administrative Review process provides an opportunity for individuals to challenge negative visa decisions made by the UKVI. It is important to prepare thoroughly, gather all relevant evidence, and clearly articulate your case in order to increase the chances of a successful outcome.

How We Can Help:

Shahzada Advisor is a trusted immigration consultant with a wealth of experience in helping individuals with the UK immigration process. One of the key services offered by Shahzada Advisor is assistance with Administrative Review.

If you have received a negative decision from the UK government regarding your immigration application, you may be eligible for an Administrative Review. This is a process where the UK government re-evaluates your case and considers any new evidence that may support your application.

Shahzada Advisor can help you prepare for your Administrative Review in a number of ways. Here are some of the key services they offer:

  1. Review of your previous application: Shahzada Advisor will carefully review your previous application and all the evidence you provided to identify any areas that may have been overlooked or where additional evidence is needed.
  2. Preparation of new evidence: Shahzada Advisor will help you gather and prepare new evidence to support your case, such as financial documentation, job offers, or family support letters.
  3. Application preparation: Shahzada Advisor will assist you with the preparation of your Administrative Review application, ensuring that all relevant information and evidence is included and presented in the most compelling way possible.
  4. Representation: Shahzada Advisor can represent you throughout the Administrative Review process, including preparing and submitting your application, corresponding with the UK government, and providing guidance and support throughout the review process.

In conclusion, Shahzada Advisor is a valuable resource for anyone who has received a negative decision on their UK immigration application and is seeking an Administrative Review. With their expertise and experience, they can help you increase your chances of success and provide peace of mind throughout the process.

Home office UK


What is Immigration

Appeal from within the UK

Home office UK


What is Immigration

Appeal from within the UK